Northern Europe
Capital: Stockholm
Languages: Swedish
Predominant Religion(s): Christianity (Protestant)
- It is common knowledge in Sweden that “time” should be respected at all times – regardless of whether you’re going for an interview or a friendly fika. Meetings will start on time with or without you. The train leaves on time with or without you. Swedes value punctuality.
- Swedes celebrate summer with an intensity that can only be found in a people who have just endured a long, dark winter.
- Swedes are usually very straightforward and honest – they say it like it is!
- Fika is Swedish for a coffee break that is more about socializing than drinking coffee. Accompanying sweets are crucial. Cinnamon buns, cakes, cookies, even open-faced sandwiches pass as acceptable fika fare. Fika can happen at any time – morning as well as evening.
- In mid-June, school is out and nature has burst into life. It seems like the sun never sets. In fact, in the north of Sweden it doesn’t, and in the south only for an hour or two. This calls for celebration! Friends and family gather for the most typically Swedish tradition of all: Midsummer. People often begin the day by picking flowers and making wreaths to place on the maypole.
- A typical Midsummer menu features different kinds of pickled herring, boiled new potatoes with fresh dill, soured cream and chives. This is often followed by a grilled dish of some kind, such as spare rib or salmon, and for dessert the first strawberries of summer, with cream.
- How are you? Hur mår du?
- Fine, thanks. Bra, tack.
- My name is… Jag heter…
- Nice to meet you! Trevligt att träffas!
- Thank you. Tack.
“You will make so many new friends and memories. You will be so proud and happy that you made it! What are you waiting for, go!” – Klara, au pair from Sweden
“It is the most challenging and rewarding thing I’ve ever done. I’ve learned so much about myself and a new country. The best part is that I now have two families, one in Sweden and one in the U.S.”– Sara, au pair from Sweden
“It’s the best adventure I’ve ever experienced.”– Johanna, au pair from Sweden
“By inviting a person from another country to join our family, live with us, and learn about our culture, we actually learn so much about ourselves, how our own culture and way of life appear through the lens of someone new.”
Belle, host parent