Au Pair Extraordinaire Qualifications
Below is a list of our recognized childcare qualifications
- Profesorado de Educacion Inicial/Ensenanza Pre-Escolar (National Diploma in Childhood Studies)
- Profesorado para la Ensenanza de Nivel Inicial (Kindergarten Teacher)
- Profesorado De Educacion Especial (Special Education Teacher)
- Diploma in Children’s Services
- Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education)
- Bachelor of Education (Honours year programme, top-up for BEd Early Childhood Education)
- Bachelor of Education in Primary School Teaching
- Currently no recognized APEX qualifications
- Education Parvularia (Kindergarten Teacher)
- Filozofski fakultet, Razredna nastava (Diploma in Elementary School Education)
- Pedagogia (Bachelor of Pedagogy)
- Diploma of Early Childhood Education (2 year diploma)
- Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (3 year degree)
- Bachelor of Applied Arts Degree with Child and Youth Care
- Childcare and Youth Care Worker Diploma
- Teacher’s Assistant Diploma
- Educational Assistant or Social Service Worker
- Child and Youth Worker
- Developmental Services Worker
- Diploma in Behavioural Science
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing (plus 1 year full time experience)
- Preschool Teacher – Educadora de Parvulos
- Nursery technician – Técnico parvulario
- Nursery teacher assistant – Asistente en educación de párvulos
- Licenciatura en Pedagogia Infantil (Diploma in Early Childhood Education)
- Licenciatura en Educacion Basica con Enfasis en Humanidades: Espanol – Ingles, plus 1 year full time childcare experience (Licentiate in Basic Education with emphasis in Humanities: Spanish – English)
- Lienciatura en Education Pre-Escolar (Degree in Preschool Education)
Costa Rica
- Bachelor of Pre-School Education
- Educacion Primaria (Primary Education)
- Pre-School Teaching Diploma
- Degree in Elementary School Education
- Diploma Predskolskog Odgoja (Teacher Training Certificate)
- Diploma Uciteljske Akademije (Diploma from University of Pedagogics)
Czech Republic
- Bachelor of Kindergarten Teaching
- Primary School Teach (Ucitelstvi Pro Zakladni Skoly)
- Social Education Diploma form a Pedagogy Institute
- Pre-School and Extracurricular Pedagogy High School
- Pedagogue – Social Educator Training
- Den Paedagogiske Grunduddannelse (Educational Child Worker and Care Assistant)
- Lincenciatura en Educación Pre-escolar y Especial (Bachelor of Arts in Pre-school and Special Education)
- Bachelor in Education (Licenciado Educacion)
El Salvador
- Licenciatura de la educación con especialidad en educación parvularia (Bachelor of Education majoring in Early Childhood Education)
- Eelkooliõpetaja Eriala (Diploma of Pre-School Education)
- Vocational Qualification in Social and Health Care (Lähihoitaja Päivähoitaja)
- College Level Diploma in Social Services (Social Educator) (Sosionomi)
- Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (Kasvatustieteen kandidaatti)
- Educateur de Jeune Enfants (Children’s Teacher)
- CAP Petite Enfance (Early Childhood Certificate) + 1 year of full time experience
- Magisterio de Educacion Pre-Primaria (Bilingue) (Pre-Elementary (Bilingual) Teacher)
- Maestra de Educacion Infantil (Bilingue) Intercultural (Degree in Intercultural (and Bilingual) Children’s Education)
- Maestra de Educacion Primeria (Bilingue) Intercultural (Degree in Intercultural (and Bilingual) Elementary Level Education)
- Currently no recognized APEX qualifications
Hong Kong
- Currently no recognized APEX qualifications
- Ovoda Pedagogus (Diploma in Kindergarten Teaching)
- Pedagogiai Asszisztens (Pedagogic Assistant)
- Csecsemo-es Gyermekapolo Szak (Infant and Child Nurse)
- Vedono Szak (Health Visitor)
- BTEC National Diploma in Early Years
- CACHE DCE – Certificate in Childcare and Education + 1 year’s experience
- CACHE DCE – Diploma in Childcare and Education
- Diploma in Education Trends
- Bachelor of Pre-school Education
- Bachelor of Education (Scienze dell’Educazione)
- Bachelor of Primary Education (Scienze della formazione primaria)
- Midwifery Degree
- Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (Scienze della Formazione e dell’adolescenza)
- Bachelor degree in Early Childhood Education
Early Childhood Development NVQ (Levels 1-4)
Early Childhood Development – Teaching Assistant (Level 2)
- Bachelor in Pre-school Education
- Bachelor in Pedagogy
- Licenciado en Educacion Preescolar (Diploma in Pre-school Education)
- Licenciado en Ciencias Sociales de la Educacion (Bachelor of Social Sciences)
- Licenciado en Ciencia del Lenguage (Bachelor Degree in Language Science)
- Licenciado en Ciencia del la edcation con Acentuacion en Ensenanza Bilingue (Bachelor Degree in Educational Science with emphasis on Bilingual Education)
- Pedagogia Educativa (Educational Pedagogy Degree)
- N6
- National Diploma : Residential Childcare
- Diploma in Education : Junior Primary Care
- Bachelor in Junior Primary Education
- Bachelor of Education (Foundation Stage)
- Train-A-Child Diploma in pre-school Education and foundation phase
- Teacher Assistant
- Pedagogisch Medewerker Kinderopvang (Pedagogical Employee childcare)
- Gespecialiseerd Pedagogisch Medewerker Kinderopvang (Specialised Pedagogical Employee Childcare)
- PABO: Pedagogische Academie voor Basis Onderwijs (Primary School Teacher)
- Pedagogiek (Pedagogy)
- Social Work (combined with internships focused on childcare)
New Zealand
- Diploma of Teaching (Early Childhood Education)
- CACHE DCE – Diploma in Childcare and Education (former NNEB)
- National Diploma In Early Childhood Education and Care
- NZ Certificate in Nanny Education (Level 5), plus 1 year full-time childcare experience (NZ05)
- Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care, plus 18 months full-time experience
- Bachelor of Education (Teaching) – Primary or ECE Level
- HATNZ Certificate in Childcare
- Fagbrev I Barne Og Ungdomsarbeid (Childcare Worker)
- Førskolelærerutdang (Pre-school Teacher)
- Currently no APEX qualifications
- Bachiller en Educacion (Bachelor in Education)
- Bachiller en Educacion Primaria (Bachelor in Primary Education)
- Profesora Educacion Inicial (Kindergarten Teacher)
- Licenciada en Obstetrician (Obstetrician)
- Bacherlor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education (With a Specialization) – Dyplom ukończenia studiów licencjackich o kierunku edukacja wczesnoszkolna (ze specjalizacją)
- Bachelor’s Degree in Pedagogy – Dyplom ukończenia studiów licencjackich o kierunku pedagogika
- Master’s Degree in Pedagogy – Dyplom ukończenia studiów magisterskich o kierunku pedagogika
- Certificate in Childcare – Dyplom ukończenia 2-letniego kursu dla opiekunek dziecięcych
- Nursing Qualification (+ 1 Year Full Time Experience) – Wykwalifikowana pielegniarka (+ 1 rok doswiadczeania z dziecmi ponizej 6 roku zycia)
- Social Work Qualification / Graduates of Resocialization – Dyplom ukończenia studiów licencjackich o kierunku praca społeczna lub resocjalizacja
- Teacher Specialization – Specjalizacja Nauczycielska
- Nursery Teaching Degree – Licenciatura em Educacao de Infancia
- Elementary School Teacher
- Nursery/Pre-school Teaching Assistant
- Primary Education Teacher
- Currently no recognized APEX qualifications
- Kindergarten and ‘After School’ Teacher
- Pre-School and Extracurricular Pedagogy High School
- Currently no recognized APEX qualifications
South Africa
- N6
- National Diploma : Residential Childcare
- Diploma in Education : Junior Primary Care
- Bachelor in Junior Primary Education
- Bachelor of Education (Foundation Stage)
- Train-A-Child Diploma in pre-school Education and foundation phase
- Teacher Assistant
South Korea
- Bachelor of Early Childhood Education
- Diploma in Early Childhood Education
- Bachelor in Childhood Education (Magisterio)
- Tecnico Superior en Educacion Infantil (Superior Technician in Children’s Education)
- Maestro en Educacion Infantil (Childhood Education Teacher)
- Magisterio de Educacion Primaria (Primary School Teacher)
- Children’s Recreation Program
- Early Childhood Education, International Program
- University Diploma in Child and Youth Training
- Bachelor of Education
- Bachelor of Arts in Preschool Education
- Bachelor in Education
- Bachelor in Education – Early Childhood Education
- Nursing Degree plus + 1 year of experience
- Bachelors Degree in Pedagogical Education
United Kingdom
- CACHE Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education
- Edexcel BTEC National Diploma in Early Years
- NVQ3
- HNC in Childcare and Education (Scotland)
- Diploma in Nursing (Children’s Nursing)
- BSC Degree in Midwifery (+ 1 year of full time experience)
- CACHE Certificate in Early Childhood Care and Education + 1 year of experience
- Montessori Diploma (3-6 year olds)
- BA (Hons) Care & Education: Early Years and Disability Studies