Your au pair or EduCare companion is entitled to a minimum of two weeks off with full weekly stipend during her twelve-month stay. An extension au pair/companion is entitled to an additional two weeks of vacation for an extension period between nine to twelve months or one week for an extension period of six months.
When making your plans, please consider the following:
- The vacation should be scheduled at a time that is mutually convenient to both the host family and the au pair.
- Conversation about vacation planning should begin early in the year.
- It is recommended that an au pair take one week of vacation in her first six months and the second week in the last half of the year.
- Vacation should not be scheduled in the first month after her arrival, as this is a time for both parties to develop a relationship and get acclimated.
- If the vacation is to be broken into daily segments, the au pair should receive a day off for each day in her standard work week. In addition, she would still receive her weekly free time and one complete weekend off each month. Both parties should agree upon the specific arrangement in advance.
- If your au pair travels with your family as part of her child care responsibilities, it is strongly recommended that a schedule be discussed in advance. Think about how you will divide child care responsibilities between you and the au pair. Remember that the au pair may need orienting to a new setting and that you are responsible for all of her meals while she is traveling with you.
- If you and your au pair will be traveling together, please contact your Community Counselor in advance and provide them with your travel destination and travel dates in case of emergency.