Western Europe
Capital: Amsterdam
Languages: Dutch, regional languages
Predominant Religion(s): Christianity
- Dutch applicants are open and down to earth.
- They are hard workers.
- They are polite, friendly and social.
- The colors of the Dutch flag are red, white, and blue. Red stands for the people, white for the church, and blue for nobility.
- Dutch people are on average the tallest people in the world. (Women 5 ft 7 and men 6 ft).
- The total length of all roads together in the Netherlands is 132,397 km. That’s about four times around the world!
- How are you? Hoe gaat het?
- Fine, thanks. Goed, dank je wel.
- My name is… Mijn naam is…
- Nice to meet you. Leuk je te ontmoeten.
- Thank you. Dank je wel.
“It is a once in a lifetime experience, you have to do it. You will never regret something that made you smile!” – Alberta – au pair from the Netherlands
“It’s a life changing experience. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about everything I’ve learned, all the amazing times I spent with friends and family and all the people I met. Being an Au Pair in America is my story of success so far – more are to come!” – Jodie – au pair from the Netherlands
“Becoming an au pair was the best decision I ever made.” – Cheryl – au pair from the Netherlands
“I like the opportunity to see American life as an insider, to come to know the traditions and customs, approach to bringing up children, managing the household, learning peculiarities of eveyday language, American cuisine, and just the chance to hear from the children I love you.”
Ekaterina, au pair