Western Asia/Middle East
Capital: Jerusalem
Languages: Hebrew, Arabic
Predominant Religion(s): Judaism
- Israeli applicants usually do to their au pair year after two years of military service or social service.
- Israeli applicants are generally quite independent, responsible, and mature. They already have had many experiences in life and are capable of dealing with stressful conditions.
- Israelis stand up for their rights but will also open up to those who value and respect them.
- Israeli people are said to be like the “sabres fruit” (“prickly pear,” a cactus that grows in Israel) – tough on the outside but very sweet on the inside.
- Sometimes, Israeli names can sound strange and uncommon in English and applicants “adopt” new names in the USA. For example the common name “Hen” is another word for chicken in English.
- There are no known epidemics in Israel.
- How are you? Ma Shlomcha?
- Fine, thanks. Tov Toda.
- My name is… Hh Shem Sheli…
- Nice to meet you. Nechmad lifgosh otach.
- Thank you. Toda.
“ It is an experience for life with memories that will go with you wherever you go.”– Moriah – au pair from Israel
“I recommend it very much. It makes you stronger, smarter, and independent.” – Olga – au pair from Israel
“I would say that being an au pair was the most life changing experience I ever had. It made me realize what’s important in life and made me appreciate myself much more.” – Anat – au pair from Israel
“I like the opportunity to see American life as an insider, to come to know the traditions and customs, approach to bringing up children, managing the household, learning peculiarities of eveyday language, American cuisine, and just the chance to hear from the children I love you.”
Ekaterina, au pair