Eastern Europe
Capital: Kyiv
Languages: Ukrainian (official), Russian, Other
- Most young people in Ukraine eat meat.
- Vegetarianism is not common.
- A typical Ukrainian diet includes milk products, soups, fruits and vegetables.
- The most common religion in Ukraine is Christian Orthodox.
- Most young people in Ukraine do not practice their religion regularly.
- A young person would rarely choose to practice a religion that is different than her family’s religion.
Telephone & Internet
- Most Ukrainian homes have a telephone.
- Family members will not be able to take a message from a potential Host Family.
- Access to the Internet is readily available.
“By inviting a person from another country to join our family, live with us, and learn about our culture, we actually learn so much about ourselves, how our own culture and way of life appear through the lens of someone new.”
Belle, host parent Massachusetts
“The flexibility the program affords us is outstanding. With other child care options, I always felt I was accommodating their schedule instead of my own.”
Jill, host parent New Jersey